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Blood In Urine Disorders

Blood in Urine: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Blood in urine is an early symptom of severe health disorders. If you experience this then it is time to read this post with enough attention. Also known as haematuria, it is not a serious condition. However, red or white blood cells in the urine indicate that you have a certain medical condition like kidney or liver disease and need medical attention immediately. Consult the physician to discuss the tests to find the cause and blood in urine treatment.

Reasons for blood in urine in men and women

Below mentioned are the major reasons that cause haematuria in men and women.

    • Urinary tract infection
    • Bladder and kidney stones
    • Injury to the urinary tract
    • Kidney cancer and disease
    • Bladder cancer
    • Injury to the urinary tract
    • Exercise-induced
    • Medications 
    • Inflammation of the prostate, urethra, bladder or kidney

Apart from these, certain reasons are there for haematuria in males and females separately. For women, endometriosis and menstruation are the major causes of getting this symptom. Consulting the doctor will help obtain the right haematuria female treatment.

Enlarged prostate and prostate cancer are the primary concerns for blood in the urine of males. Instead of worrying, men can discuss the blood in urine male treatment with the doctor to get a solution immediately. Or else the condition becomes worse and causes major health issues.

Symptoms of Hematuria

Usually, a small amount of blood can cause a change in the urine color. People may not notice that difference but experience certain symptoms, such as pain during peeing. Sometimes, people do not have any symptoms apart from changes in urine color. The following are the common symptoms of haematuria. If you find any of these symptoms, contact the doctor without delay.

    • Blood clots in urine
    • Pink, red, or brown-colored urine
    • Pain in back
    • Pain in the upper abdomen
How to diagnose the cause of hematuria?

General physicians can diagnose haematuria by any of these methods. After knowing the potential cause, the doctor will tell you about the urine in blood treatment to fix the condition. In case nothing is found, the physician will evaluate your level of risk for cancer.

    • Blood test – To find the level of creatinine that indicates kidney disease
    • Physical examination – Rectal examination for males and pelvic examination for women is used to check for haematuria.
    • Urinalysis – Examine the concentration, content, and appearance of urine to find and manage different ailments like UTI and kidney disease
    • Kidney biopsy – To diagnose whether the blood in urine because of kidney disease
    • CT urogram – To diagnose urinary tract conditions like bladder stones
    • Urine cytology – Test to look for abnormal cells in urine under the microscope
    • MRI – To diagnose problems in the kidney or bladder
    • Urine culture – To find germs in the urine that causing an infection
How to prevent hematuria?

If you want to prevent blood in urine, then you must prevent the underlying causes. It keeps you away from the hassles of bleeding in urine treatment.

    • Infection
      Infection is the major reason for getting the condition called hematuria. To prevent infection, urinate immediately after sexual activity, drink plenty of water regularly, and practice good hygiene.
    • Kidney stones
      Nowadays, both men and women get kidney stone problems in huge volume due to changed lifestyles and other elements. But, this condition can be prevented easily by drinking more water regularly and avoiding excess salt consumption and foods such as spinach.
    • Bladder cancer
      Bladder cancer is another big culprit for getting blood in the urine. So, try to prevent this condition. For that, you must stop smoking and limit exposure to dangerous chemicals.

One of the best ways to prevent blood in urine is drinking plenty of water daily and keeping yourself hydrated. It keeps your bladder healthy and pees comfortably and safely.

When to visit a doctor?

Consulting the general physician is important as soon as you find any of these symptoms along with blood in urine.

    • Chills
    • Vomiting
    • Nausea
    • Pain in the side, abdomen, or back
    • Fever

After finding the underlying cause, our doctor will suggest the right blood in urine treatment. It means you can get out of the problem easily and lead a comfortable life again.

Treatment option for hematuria
Physicians may prescribe haematuria medication according to the conditions to treat the underlying symptoms. Generally, antibiotics are given at the first stage, and along with that doctors may also suggest pain medications. If the condition is severe, the doctor recommends surgical treatment, like the removal of bladder stones. In certain cases, no treatment is required to cure the condition.

A change of lifestyle and practicing good habits like drinking water and quitting smoking are enough to treat the condition. But, it is vital to visit the doctor consistently to ensure that there is no blood in urine. Stay calm if you see blood in urine because the medical industry is advanced and has several solutions for your condition.

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