Pre & Post Kidney Transplantation

Treatment > Pre & Post Kidney Transplantation

Pre & Post Kidney Transplantation

Get Complete Pre & Post Kidney Transplantation Care

Kidney transplantation is a life-changing surgery that improves quality of life for individuals suffering from end-stage renal disease. The success of the treatment depends on careful pre and post-operative care post-transplantation. Walk into Sunshine Hospital, where we house a dedicated team of medical experts who provide invaluable insights into pre-surgery preparation and post-operative care for nephrology treatment in Chhattisgarh.

Before and After Care for Nephrology Treatment

Pre-operative care forms the core of the kidney treatment process. It is vital to keep the patients well informed about the entire procedure ranging from pre-transplant care to guiding the essential aspects of kidney transplantation. Sunshine Hospital leaves no stone unturned in offering an informed environment to the patients. For this, we house a team of professional doctors, nursing staff, pharmacists and dieticians who are always available to answer any queries during every phase of the process.

The patients are evaluated by a team of consultants and pathologists with in-depth training to resolve any transplantation-related issues. We carry out an organized pre-operative care process which includes:

Preoperative Care Before Kidney Transplant Surgery Patient Evaluation and Selection

Rigorous patient evaluation is crucial to ensure kidney replacement is the most appropriate treatment option. For this, we carry out elaborate physical examinations, review the patient’s medical history, and conduct blood tests and imaging studies. It helps assess the individual’s overall health and suitability to proceed with the transplantation.

Our specialists will thoroughly evaluate the potential donor’s health and compatibility before the procedure. This process is performed to ensure the safety of both the donor and the recipient.

Post-Operative Care After Kidney Transplant Surgery

Post-operative care after the transplant is one of the most crucial phases. Most people tend to feel anxious about getting back to normal. Here is where we at Sunshine Hospital come into the picture. As a renowned medical facility, we offer post-operative care after kidney transplant surgeries for patients.

We help in:

Are medications required post-kidney transplant?

Yes. Patients will require lifelong medication post-transplant care. After transplantation, your specialists will prescribe immunosuppressant medications to prevent rejection by the immune system. These medications must be taken consistently and as your healthcare team prescribes.

Why are immunosuppressive medications prescribed after the transplant?

Immunosuppressive medications are prescribed to prevent the body from rejecting the transplanted kidney. It works by suppressing the body’s immune response and helping it accept the new organ, thereby reducing the risk of organ rejection.

Like any major surgery, kidney transplantation also involves potential risks and complications. These may range from infection, and complications post complications, rejection by the immune system or any side effects from immunosuppressant medications. Besides, patients may also face certain complications like high blood pressure, diabetes or bone thinning. Proper monitoring and following a treatment plan will minimize the risks.

Can I start regular work after transplantation?

It is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It depends on how well the patient looks and how soon the patient heals. However, it is imperative to maintain a healthy daily lifestyle. It includes a balanced diet, regular exercise and following the doctor’s regimen as suggested. Patients are recommended to indulge in moderate activities which do not expose them to infections or toxins as it may lead to long-term health issues.